Canadian Dividend and Value Investor

Financial Blog, with a Canadian perspective, geared towards index and value investment philosophies.

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Location: Milton, Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's raining money!

It's been a fantastic month to save money with some of the bargains out there in the current crashed market.

Priszm is still a good bet, with prices around floating under $2.00 per share today you're looking at over 30% yearly distribution on any purchased you make.

Other individual income trusts I like...

VIC.UN at $6.50 you're getting a 24% yearly distribution and they're giving out a 'bonus' top-off distribution in December over and above their regular monthly distribution

YLO.UN (Yellow Pages Income Fund)at $6.85 that's over 17% a year cash distribution returns. This Canadian income trust owns AutoTrader,, and several other websites. Over time it's starting to get a significant portion of it's revenue online versus the printed yellow page directories. They continue to have growth and have already increased their distributions once this year.

Casual restaurants like BPF.UN (Boston Pizza), SRV.UN (Jack Astor’s,Alice Fazooli’s, etc) and EAT.UN (East Side Mario's, Casey's, etc) also have their share prices at attractively low levels giving you 17%, 24% and 22% annual cash distributions at their current prices. I don't think BPF.UN or SRV.UN will lower their distributions, rather I think there will be future distribution increases in 2009.

There are so many other good income trusts out there trading at very low share valuations. My only hope is the share prices stay low for a continued period to give me time for month by month share purchases.

Remember, buy low, sell high. i.e. buy stock in companies (that look solid with future growth) when their share prices are crashing as they are now. Don't follow the crowd. When I hear people talking about taking their money out of the market and putting it into savings accounts *after* the market has already crashed I always cringe inside. They're doing the reverse, as they bought when the share prices were high and are now selling when they're low. Unless you are really confidant that the downward price trend, selling in the middle of a crash is in most cases unwise.

Warning - I'm not qualified to give investment advice. The above is for entertainment purposes only ;-)


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